Entries by Diane Palumbo

Prayer for the Week (May 30-June 5, 2021)

Let us pray to God as the sons and daughters he dearly loves: Father, you sent your Word to bring us truth and your Spirit to make us holy. Through your Word, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit we come to the mystery of your life. May we worship you, one God in three persons, […]

Sunday Reflection (May 9, 2021)

We do not confess some vague God who may be this or that, or whatever you want that God to be; rather, we confess the God to whom Jesus prayed through the Holy Spirit.   Through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit we approach God. The Holy Spirit leads us to focus upon Jesus Christ  who taught us about […]

Prayer for the Week (May 9-May 15, 2021)

Let us ask our heavenly Father that we put no boundaries to love and compassion: God, you revealed divine love in all its depth when you sent your only Son into the world to confront and take away the sins of the world. Through Jesus who calls us his friends, may our love be strong […]

Sunday Reflection (May 9, 2021)

If we are friends with God, we will get a glimpse of God’s plans and intentions for the world.  I do not think it is about predicting the future with a timetable cleverly drawn from different texts in the Bible to prove the Lord is returning in the next few years. I am also convinced that it has nothing […]