Entries by Diane Palumbo

Prayer for the Week (June 27-July 3, 2021)

Let us pray for the strength to reject     the darkness of sin: Father in heaven, the light of Jesus has scattered     the darkness of hatred and sin. Called to that light, we ask for your guidance. Form our lives in your truth and our hearts in your love. We ask this […]

Sunday Reflection (June 27, 2021)

Despite all the hardships King Saul had caused David, David had kind words for King Saul. David was able to see the positive in King Saul and what he had done for the Israelites (2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27). Think about it: When someone has done us wrong, how difficult is it to see their good […]

Sunday Reflection (June 13, 2021)

Think of ourselves and Christ’s Church as farmers who plant seeds, and the seed that we plant together is the Good News of Jesus Christ.   We plant it through our proclamation and actions in response to God’s love revealed to us in Jesus Christ.  Yet, planting seeds is not always easy.  We do not always see the results of that […]

Prayer for the Week (June 13-June 19, 2021)

Let us pray to the Father whose love gives us strength to follow his Son: God our Father, we rejoice in the faith that draws us together. May your encouragement be our constant strength to keep us one in the love that has sealed our lives. May we live the Gospel we profess by listening […]

Prayer for the Week (June 6-June 12, 2021)

Let us pray for daily renewal: Thank you, Lord God, that you have cleansed us from sin and saved us from the power of the enemy through the death and resurrection of your Son. May our sinful self be destroyed each day as the Holy Spirit brings life to us each day, and continually creates a new person […]

Sunday Reflection (June 6, 2021)

Since we have been renewed by God’s Spirit, do not discount what God’s Spirit can do for others. God is a God  of restoration and renewal (2 Corinthians 5:16-17).  Furthermore, since everything has become new, may we see people differently and be wary of outward deceptions.  We will not be perfect in this, but may we be […]