Entries by Diane Palumbo

Sunday Reflection (October 10, 2021)

God judged the ruling classes of ancient Israel because mistreating the poor was a fundamental rejection of Israel’s relationship with God. God took notice (Amos 5:6-7, 10-15). When the “rich, young ruler” approached Jesus, Jesus told him to sell all he had, and give to the poor. He walked away (Mark 10:17-26). God’s Word, Jesus […]

Sunday Reflection (October 3, 2021)

When we welcome children, we welcome God. When we welcome the powerless and vulnerable, we welcome God. When I say welcome, I do not mean a condescending welcoming, but a true offering of friendship as equals because before God, we are all powerless and vulnerable. Jesus did not tolerate contempt toward the powerless and vulnerable. […]

Prayer for the Week (October 3-October 9, 2021)

Let us praise God for coming to us     in Jesus Christ: Father, in the beginning you spoke     your creative Word     and brought order out of chaos. Again, you spoke your creative Word     and it became enfleshed     in Jesus of Nazareth. The Holy Spirit renews us […]

Sunday Reflection (September 26, 2021)

I firmly believe that God’s working through others to do good is much larger than any one person, any one group, any one congregation, or any one religion (Numbers 11:24-29; Mark 9:38-41). Yet all religions, including Christianity must confront the violence and evil done in its name and many things have been done in Christ’s […]

Sunday Reflection (September 19, 2021)

Desire and ambition are positive in the sense that they propel us to fulfill our potential, but we can become so consumed with desire and ambition that we destroy trust, community, and friendship to do better than others (James 3:13-4:8). We do this on personal and social levels, and it creates a vicious environment for […]

Prayer for the Week (September 19-September 25, 2021)

Let us pray to God our Father who welcomes us  into his kingdom through Jesus Christ: God our Father, you tenderly stoop down to us,  fallible and limited people,      and your preference goes to children, to the weak, and to the humble. May we accept your Good News with the receptive attitude of […]