Entries by Diane Palumbo

Sunday Reflection (January 30, 2022)

When we think of descriptions of Christians, we may think from whence they come, what language they speak, to which political party they affiliate. Yet, do any of these describe a Christian as Paul describes a Christian? What are the attributes of a person who follows Christ? It is love and compassion (1 Corinthians 13). […]

Sunday Reflection (January 23, 2022)

We do not have to be top-notch engineers or theologians to grasp the wisdom of God (Psalm 19). God’s wisdom revives us and causes us to rejoice. It teaches us to not transgress God and one another. It is a Word from God that speaks against us but also enlightens us beyond a natural revelation. […]

Sunday Reflection (December 26, 2021)

Jesus Christ was formed within the womb of Mary and Jesus grew and developed in the home of a pious Jewish carpenter and mother (Luke 2:29-40, 52). Because Christ is formed within us and among us, we represent Christ to the world. As Christ is more perfectly formed within us and among us, we are […]