Entries by Diane Palumbo

Prayer for the Week (April 10, 2022-April 16, 2022)

Let us pray that we follow Jesus on his road of service: God our Father, in Jesus your Son, you have shown us that the road that leads to victory is the way of loving service and willingness to pay the price of sacrifice for faithful, unswerving love. Give us the mentality and attitude of […]

Sunday Reflection (April 3, 2022)

It is easy to rejoice in the resurrection, and neglect that part about “sharing in the sufferings of Christ,” which raises an interesting question: How do we share in the sufferings of Christ? We share in the sufferings of Christ when we extend mercy to those caught in sin. When we extend mercy to our […]

Sunday Reflection (March 27, 2022)

Despite our hostility toward God and one another, God has taken the initiative, through Jesus Christ, to reconcile us and the world to God (2 Corinthians 5:17-18). This is indeed Good News! From God’s perspective, reconciliation has already been accomplished, but from our perspective, it is a different story. We still experience the brokenness of […]