Entries by Diane Palumbo

Prayer for the Week (May 15, 2022-May 21, 2022)

Let us pray that our love draws its strength from God’s own love: Loving Father, you revealed the depth of your love in Jesus Christ. Although our love remains brittle, fickle and falls short, may we love one another the way Christ has loved us. May our love, like yours, be reliable, ever respectful of […]

Prayer for the Week (May 8, 2022-May 14, 2022)

Let us pray that we truly know and love the Lord Jesus:  Our loving Father, you let us experience your care for us by giving us Jesus as our Good Shepherd. Jesus carries us in his heart, and may we be ever close to him so that we learn his voice, hear his voice, and […]

Sunday Reflection (May 1, 2022)

Getting on a religious high-horse, and thinking it is God’s will to persecute any human being is a grave misunderstanding: Be it the persecution of a pagan, a witch, a gay, a lesbian, a person with whom we disagree, or even a person whom we dislike. The persecution of any human being is a sin, for […]

Prayer for the Week (May 1, 2022-May 7, 2022)

Let us pray that our life be a response to God’s love: God, source of all love, you have made your love visible to us in the life, death and message of your Son and our brother Jesus Christ.  May our life be a visible statement that we love you in return.  Help us echo […]

Sunday Reflection (April 24, 2022)

As Christ’s Church, we have become agents of reconciliation through forgiveness. We offer others the peace we have found through the forgiveness that we have received from God. We have our own struggles with retaining sins because we have issues either offering forgiveness or receiving forgiveness. Nevertheless, like the disciples, we are sent to proclaim […]

Sunday Reflection (April 17, 2022)

Christians believe that there is more to life than a biological existence. Indeed, the pall of death that hangs over our biological existence is overcome by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The resurrection gives us a glimpse of the ultimate future, and in particular, the resurrection of Jesus reveals that God’s love ultimately overcomes all.  […]