Entries by Diane Palumbo

Sunday Reflection (April 16, 2023)

Our testing and trials may not be as severe as those faced in this letter of 1 Peter, yet we all face testing and trials. First, we live in a world that counters the way of Christ, for example, our society places pride over humility; greed over sharing; self-concern over concern for others; warfare and […]

Prayer for the Week (April 16-April 22, 2023)

Let us pray for a firm faith because God is faithful to us:  Blessed are you, God our Father, who raised Jesus from the dead.  Keep us firm in the faith and lead us to live in his peace.  Open our eyes to see his scars among those who suffer.  Inspire us through the Holy […]

Sunday Reflection (April 9, 2023)

It is a historical statement that Jesus was crucified under Pontius Pilate, however, the statement that Jesus rose from the dead is much more complex because it entails a not-so-common experience: Resurrection. The humiliation, tragedy, and scandal of crucifixion were swallowed up in the victory of life over death. The resurrection tells us that in […]

Prayer for the Week (April 9-April 15, 2023)

Let us pray to God our Father that we rise with the risen Lord: God of all life, help us to believe in life, and see Jesus Christ raised up and alive. Through the Holy Spirit, may we experience him walking with us on the road of life, so that we be a living people […]