Entries by Diane Palumbo

Prayer for the Week (December 17-December 23, 2023)

Let us pray this Advent for joy and hope in the coming Lord: Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, you are ever faithful to your promises and ever close to your Church. The earth rejoices in hope of the Savior’s coming and looks forward with longing to his return by establishing a fair and just […]

Sunday Reflection (December 17, 2023)

Our Good News Reading (John 1:6-9) tells us about John the Baptist who bore witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ, which is where we find ourselves: Bearing witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ. This third Sunday of Advent is the Sunday of joy. We have joy because we have heard the […]

Sunday Reflection (December 10, 2023)

Through the divine initiative of forgiveness, we are brought into fellowship with God and one another by Jesus Christ who revealed God’s glory in the flesh (Mark 1:1-5). Although the way of Christ stands in judgment against our way of sin, there is also hope because of divine forgiveness, confession, and repentance. There is the […]

Prayer for the Week (December 10-December 16, 2023)

Let us pray that we anticipate the coming of Jesus our Savior: God our Father, you sent your Messiah into our world with the power of love and compassion. May all your people accept him in faith so that Christ be birthed and grow within us and among us. May your Church be faithful to the Gospel […]