Entries by Diane Palumbo

Sunday Reflection (June 23, 2019)

Like the Psalmist in the 42nd Psalm, we may struggle to feel the presence of God. We may feel that we are driven from God or that we have driven God from us. When Jesus met a man who undoubtedly felt that he had been driven from God and others, Jesus triumphed over that which […]

Prayer for the Week (June 16-June 22)

Let us pray to God, full of compassion and mercy: Father, you sent your Word to bring us truth and your Spirit to make us holy. Through them we come to know the mystery of your life. Give us the grace to respond to your goodness through the Holy Spirit poured into our hearts. Inspire […]

Sunday Reflection (June 16, 2019)

The Holy Spirit continually leads us in all truth (John 16:12-15). This is not necessarily truth in a scientific or mathematical sense; rather, it is truth as it relates to living a life of truth. It takes patience to gradually integrate the truth of God’s love into our lives. The Holy Spirit guides us as […]

Sunday Reflection (June 9, 2019)

The way that Jesus addressed God was “Abba.” He taught his disciples to address God in this manner. We address God the same way. No, we do not use the Aramaic word “Abba,” but we do begin the Lord’s Prayer with “Our Father” which affirms a closeness with God that has been extended to us […]

Prayer for the Week (June 9-June 15)

Let us pray that the Father send us the Holy Spirit: God our Father, may the Holy Spirit surprise us with his fire and vigor. May the Holy Spirit renew our days, love, and lives. May the Holy Spirit bring us tenderness and joy as well as openness to one another and the courage to […]

Prayer for the Week (June 2-June 8)

Let us pray that the Spirit of the risen Lord guide us: God our Father, our risen Lord Jesus Christ lives now in your presence. When we keep looking for him in the clouds, help us turn to the task he has given us to do here on earth. May we learn to recognize his […]

Sunday Reflection (June 2, 2019)

Ephesians, one of the later letters of the New Testament, reveals that the early Church had come to terms with the “no quick return” of the Messiah (Ephesians 1:15-23). The Church had been “left behind.” This is not necessarily a bad thing because the Church has been “left behind” to make a difference for the […]

Sunday Reflection (May 26, 2019)

There is one thing for certain that we learn from the life of Paul and the life of Christ: Doing good will not always win people over, you may be stoned or crucified (Acts 14:7-28). Their lives tell us that in spite of resistance we are called to bring blessing to our community and to […]

Prayer for the Week (May 26-June 1)

Let us pray that we practice in our lives the faith we profess: Ever living God help us to celebrate our joy in the resurrection of the Lord, and to express in our lives, the love we celebrate. Grant this through our Christ our Lord. Amen. (Sunday Missals)

Prayer for the Week (May 19-May 25)

Let us pray that our love draw its strength from God’s own love: God, loving Father, you revealed to us the depth of your love in Jesus Christ. Although our love remains brittle and fickle and falls short, may we love one another the way Christ has loved us. Give us a bit of your […]