Entries by Diane Palumbo

Prayer for the Week (March 11-16)

Let us pray to our seemingly invisible Father in heaven: Invisible God, with the incarnation of your Son, Jesus Christ, we see a reflection of you in your Son. You also give us the Holy Spirit who enables us in prayer and in the search for your truth. In our worship strengthen us to know […]

Sunday Reflection (March 17, 2019)

Jesus compares God to a hen that desires to gather us under the divine wings of nurture, and care (Luke 13:31-35). Yet, when we shun the leading of God’s Spirit, we throw ourselves to the foxes of life that devour us and tear us down. We all have the capability to imitate the fox, but […]

Sunday Reflection (March 3, 2019)

Having been created in the image of God, we embody the potential to reflect God’s glory to the world (2 Corinthians 3:17-18). We are changed through the Spirit into the likeness of the Christ whom we behold. “The Holy Spirit infuses God’s beauty into our lives and the lives around us (Eerdmans Commentary on the […]

Prayer for the Week (March 3–9)

Let us pray that we grow in the likeness of Christ: God of life and glory, at the Mount of Transfiguration your Son was revealed in splendor before he suffered death upon the cross. Grant that we, beholding his majesty, be strengthened to follow him and be changed into his likeness from glory to glory; […]

Pastoral Ponderings (March 2019)

Welcome to windy March! Although we know there will be some cold and windy days ahead, spring is around the corner. It was a wet February and for that matter, since I have moved here, it has been a season (or seasons) of rain. As I write this first draft it is sunny and in […]

Pastoral Ponderings (February 2019)

  I must say, and you know, January was a cold month. What will February be like? We will find out, but one thing for certain, February is closer to spring than January. Nevertheless, there were bright spots in January. January was filled with the celebrations of the day of Epiphany and Baptism of the […]

Sunday Reflection (February 17, 2019)

  According to the prophet Jeremiah, God calls us to honestly look at what is in our heart because left to our own devices, our hearts may corrupt us and lead us to destruction in a process that also harms others (Jeremiah 17:5-6, 10). The Holy Spirit speaks to us boldly and gently, and the […]

Sunday Reflection (February 10, 2019)

  Isaiah, Peter, and Paul found themselves unworthy, but because of God’s mercy and grace, they found the confidence to do God’s work (Isaiah 6:1-8) (Luke 5:1-11) (1 Corinthians 15:9-11). Perhaps part of spiritual growth is the “realization that the closer we approach God, the more we become aware of our own sins (Geneva Bible […]

Prayer for the Week (February 11–16 )

Let us pray that we love God in our hearts and in our actions: Almighty God, you have called us to serve you, yet without your grace we are not able to please you. Mercifully grant that your Holy Spirit, who leads us in the way of Christ, direct and rule our hearts in all […]