Sunday Reflection (August 13, 2023)

At one time or another, or perhaps even now, you have been in Peter’s situation. By which I mean threatening powers, over which you have no control, distract and surround you. This can be anything from a job change to a family situation, to health issues, and so forth. In such situations, we may forget that when we have expended our last effort the rest is in God’s hands. Like Peter, we may succumb to fear, when we have the power to walk on water.

When Peter was overcome with fear and lost faith, he began to sink. Then he cried out to the Lord and Jesus did not say: “You lack faith, you are on your own!” Rather, Jesus reached out his hand and lifted him up. Fret not when you lose faith but do cry out to the Lord! Perhaps, it is in our weakest moments that we realize God’s closest presence, even if it is upon reflection.