Sunday Reflection (January 26, 2025)

Sunday Reflection upon 1 Corinthians 12:12-31
The early Church from which we spiritually descended was uniform in its belief that Jesus Christ was the crucified Messiah who rose from the dead. The Holy Spirit forms each person as a unique part of any congregation. Diverse, different people, united by One Spirit, create a congregation of Christ’s Church. The role of the Holy Spirit in this unity is significant, as it is the Spirit that guides us, empowers us, and unites us in our diversity.
On a larger scale, the Holy Spirit unites a diversity of congregations and Churches to create the one Universal Church, which we term the catholic Church in the Apostles’ Creed. We all have a part in Christ’s Church. Let our diversity not overshadow our unity, and let our unity not diminish our diversity. Both are equally important and should be celebrated, all under the unifying influence of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer for the Week (January 26-February 1, 2025)

Let us pray for unity and peace: All-powerful and ever-living God, direct your love within us and among us to bring unity and peace to the world. We ask this through Christ our Lord who eternally dwells with you and the Holy Spirit, One God forever and ever.

                                                                              (Sunday Missal)





Sunday Sermon January 26, 2025

Prayer for the Week (January 19-January 25, 2025)

Prayer for the Week

Let us pray that with Jesus as beloved sons and daughters of God:  God our Father, with your whole people reborn in baptism we give you thanks.  In Jesus, each of us has become your beloved son or daughter.  Fill us with the fire of the Holy Spirit who guided Jesus in life and death.  May the Holy Spirit set us free to serve you and one another with unselfish, grateful love.
Amen.                                                                                                                  (Claretian Pulbications)





Sunday Sermon January 19, 2025

Sunday Reflection (January 12, 2025)

Sunday Reflection upon Isiah 59:1-15 & 62:1-5 
Through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, God continually renews us in His divine image. While a long-term project, this ongoing renewal is a source of comfort and security in our faith. No matter our past or present, God can always create something beautiful in our lives. This renewal unto the image of Christ is a source of inspiration and hope, knowing that a loving and creative God guides our journey of spiritual growth. God’s relationship with us is grounded in love and compassion, and it’s this love and compassion that should guide our relationships with others. 

Prayer for the Week (January 12-January 18, 2025)

Let us pray for the gift of peace: Almighty and ever-present Father, your watchful care reaches from end to end and orders all things in such power that even the tensions and tragedies of sin cannot frustrate your loving plans. Through the Holy Spirit, lead us to embrace your will and give us the strength to follow your call, so that your truth live in our hearts and reflect peace to the world around us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

                                                                                                                  (Sunday Missal, alt.)





Sunday Sermon January 5, 2025