Poinsettia Orders (Orders Due Dec. 5th)

If anyone would like to order a poinsettia to be placed on the altar in memory/honor please let the office know and order forms will be available in the bulletins. We are ordering 20 inch poinsettia’s from Personal Touch Florist, who provided us with the beautiful poinsettia’s last year. They will cost $21.00 each and orders are due Dec. 5th.

UMW News October 2017

We are looking forward to a very busy November. Our regular meeting will be on the 14th at 10:00 am. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall for our World Thank Offering program which will be presented by Earlene. Following the program we will have soup, sandwiches and dessert. All women are invited to attend. You don’t need to bring anything other than yourself. We will have a time of fellowship and food together.

The Angel Tree will be put up around the 17th of the month with gifts due back by December 10th. Many thanks in advance for the help you give in providing Christmas gifts for children in our area.

The Cookie Walk is scheduled for December 2. This is a church wide project. The money earned will be divided between a local mission and UMCOR disaster relief. We need everyone’s help in making cookies, helping put them out on trays December 1st and helping with the sale on the 2nd. Also be sure to buy some cookies for the holidays and tell all your neighbors and friends to come and buy, too. Sign-up sheets will be in the church and you can call Agnes Ritchie for more information.

Peggy Chappell, President

Pledge Sunday – November 19th

Pledge Sunday will be November 19th. Please place your pledge card in the offering plate or in the box outside the church office. Pledge cards are available at all entrances of the Sanctuary.


“Count your many blessings, name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.”

The other night I was having trouble sleeping.  Some people say that sleeplessness is a part of the aging process, but I am too young for that to be true, so there must have been another reason.  Pretty soon I was having a real pity party.  In my mind I was going through a long litany of problems and things that were wrong in my life.  Then all of a sudden the words of a song I thought I had long forgotten came into my mind.  Try as I would, I could not get those words out of my consciousness.

Those words were: “Count your many blessings, name them one by one.  Count your many blessings, see what God has done.”  I began to do that and pretty soon I realized just how much God has blessed me.  The next thing I knew it was morning.  When I awoke I wanted to finish my list.  I soon realized it could not be finished.  God’s blessings are really without number.

Maybe what I came to understand is the true meaning of what Thanksgiving really is.  Beingthankful for the good things God gives us and not allowing the problems that we incur to become the things that control us and give us our identity.  When we dwell entirely on the negative we lose sight of the positive.

By the way here are some things that topped my list:

  1. Jesus Christ – God loved me enough to send His One Begotten Son to be my savior.
  2. The beauty of creation – God looked at all God had made and indeed it was very good. (Genesis 1:31) That goodness has not been overcome.
  3. First Galax United Methodist Church – I am blessed to serve a church that loves the Lord and cares for one another.
  4. The portion of health I enjoy – my health problems are not nearly as bad as they could be.
  5. Family – I thank God for those who love, sometimes in spite of me.

I am also very thankful for friends, for our combined Worship Service, for our Future Committee who are looking at ways the church can improve over the years, and for my upcoming Retirement.

May we begin to count our blessings and realize just what God has done for us.  May we do tis not just on the fourth Thursday of November, but each and every day we live.
