New “Snow Policy”

The Administrative Board passed a new policy for Church Services on snowy Sunday. We will have only an 11:00 a.m. Worship Service, no early service or Sunday School. While we will never close, but please use discretion and common sense in trying to attend, we do not want anyone getting hurt trying to attend.

Resurrection in Pigeon Forge

The youth attended Resurrection in Pigeon Forge January 20th-22nd. We would like to thank: Clark, and Babette Nuckolls; Amy, and Brad Dillon for organizing, transporting, and accompanying the 10 teenagers in this adventure.
We would also like to thank the groups and members in the church who helped them prepare for their trip by making monetary donations, preparing the bus for travel, and praying for them as they traveled.
Over 12,000 youth came together to celebrate the God of Resurrection through worship, music, and fellowship. This is an event that the youth truly enjoy and we are thankful for the Youth Ministry of the Holston Conference of The United Methodist Church who host this event every year.

But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

-Timothy 3:14-15

UMW News – February 2017

What a joy to have so many of our church family and friends come together for the New Member’s meal January 22! The food was delicious and the fellowship was great. Many thanks to all who participated. It wouldn’t have happened without all the wonderful help we had in getting ready and working in the kitchen cooking and cleaning. We appreciate all of you.

We will have our next meeting on February 14th at 10:00 am in the UMW room. Danise will have the pledge service and we will go to Melany’s for lunch. Hope all will come.

Mark your calendar for Shrove Tuesday pancakes February 28th. We will serve all-you-can-eat pancakes from 5-7 that evening. There will be no charge but donations will be accepted for the ongoing work of our UMW. Come and join on the 28th and bring your friends along with you. All are welcome.

UMW President, Peggy Chappell

Doers and Not Just Hearers.


“But be you doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” [James 1:22 N.K.J.V.]

The Book of James has always been widely debated. Martin Luther, Leader of the Protestant Reformation, did not like it. He called it “that straw epistle” and believed it should be torn from the Canon. Luther thought this way because he rediscovered Paul’s teaching on salvation by faith alone and believed James taught a form of works righteousness or salvation based on what a person did.

Others defended James and said that it was not written in opposition to Paul’s faith alone teachings but to those who had misinterpreted Paul and were saying that once you were saved, you did not have to do anything. James would state: “Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” [James 2:17 N.K.J.V.]

So just what is the relationship between faith and works? John Wesley, founder of the Methodist movement, summed it up this way: “You do good works not to be saved. Rather you do good works because you are saved.” In response to what God has already done for us in Christ Jesus, we want to do all we can to help others and serve the church.

In other words, God did not save you just so you can have a comfortable pew and hear the gospel message. No, God saved you so you can both hear and do God’s word. Nonbelievers challenge us to live what we say we believe; to “walk the walk, not just talk the talk.” James say it this way: “Show me your faith without works, and I will show you my faith by my works.”

So this brings me to my point, sometimes in the winter we slack off in our attendance, our giving, our spiritual life, and our volunteering. However, now is the time to be at our best. Ask God to reveal your gifts and willing to share those gifts with others. I know of no better way to be a doer of God’s word and not a hearer only.
