The Wytheville District Hands-On Mission Project again for this year is HOME BUCKETS for ZIMBABWE
(Maria Humbane – Ishe Anesu Project for Underprivileged Children)
1 bottle hand sanitizer (10 oz. or less)
1 bottle toilet cleaner (24 oz. or less)
1 laundry detergent (liquid OR powder, 40 loads or less)
1 dish liquid (25 oz. or less)
1 shampoo (15 oz. or less)
1 body lotion cocoa butter (24 oz. or less)
1 spray deodorant (7 oz. or less)
1 antibacterial hand soap (10 oz. or less)
1 roll paper towels (individually wrapped package)
Pack all items in a NEW 5-gallon bucket with lid.
These will be picked up on JUNE 1st; so please drop off at the church any time before MAY 29th.
Thank you to all who have supported the Hands-On Mission Projects over the years. Your generosity has made a difference in thousands of lives.